In countries that don't produce olive oil people tend to favour the lighter, more delicate olive oil varieties and I...

Dementia, EVOO, health benefits, heart health, Olive Oil and health, olive oil and heart health, Olive oil and tomato recipes, olive oil varieties, picual olive oil

One of the best things about olive oil is that it makes simple ingredients taste great. I'm a huge fan of seasonal eating and in Ireland that means A LOT of root veg and brassicas. The trick is to keep it simple. A great olive oil plus a little salt is often all you need to bring out the best in our humblest (and cheapest) seasonal varieties.


EVOO, Finca la Torre, Finca la Torre Hojiblanca, Nobleza del Sur, Vegan, vegetarian

Studies show that the consumption of just 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil a day is enough to dramatically impact...

Tasting Like any good wine or cheese, a well-made extra virgin olive oil has its own distinct terroir, taste and...

As always, I'll be cooking with what's around and in season and most recipes will be simple with as little faff as possible.

food writing, olive oil in Dublin, prize-winning olive oil, recipes with olive oil, sarah & olive blog, sarahandoliveblog